An: 2023, Nr.3, Articol Nr. 3
Aziz Olgun - “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Medicine, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Medicine,
Maria Cristina Bunea, Cristina Chiriloaie, P. Bordei - “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Medicine, Preclinical Department I – Anatomy
M. Vărgău - Constanta Military Hospital, Urology Department
MORPHOMETRY OF URETERS DETERMINED IMAGISTICALLY (Abstract): Our results were obtained by studying 128 CT urographies. We found the total length of the ureter to be between 17.34-25.73 cm, with the lumbar ureter between 7.92-12.64 cm, the iliac ureter between 5.61-8.62 cm, and the pelvic ureter between 3.0-11.28 cm. The external diameter of the ureter was found to be between 1.50-7.20 mm. At its origin, the ureter was between 2.40-7.20 mm in diameter, at the iliac level 2.90-4.60 mm, at the supravesical level 1.70-5.0 mm, at the retrovesical level 2.10-2.90 mm and the vesical level 1.50-1.80 mm. We measured the distance between the two ureters, right and left, on a total of 31 cases. At the pyelo-ureteral junction, we found a distance between the two ureters of 7.2-12.53 cm, in the male sex this distance was 7.2-12.53 cm and in the female sex, the distance was 7.16-12.08 cm. At the level of the iliac ureters, this distance was between 2.26-7.36 cm, for males it was 2.26-7.36 cm, and for females 3.34-6.45 cm. At the supravesical level, the distance between the two ureters was 3.04-6.84 cm, with 3.04-6.84 cm for the male sex and 34.6-6.73 cm for the female sex. At the urinary bladder level, the distance between the two ureters was 2.13-4.5 cm, 2.13-4.5 cm for the male sex, and 2.2-3.47 cm for the female sex. At the retrovesical level, the distance between the two ureters was between 3.04-5.71 cm.
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