An: 2023, Nr.3, Articol Nr. 1



      Aziz Olgun - “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Medicine, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Medicine;
      C. Ionescu, Maria Cristina Bunea - “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Medicine, Preclinical Department I – Anatomy
      M. Vărgău - Constanta Military Hospital, Urology Department
      P. Bordei - “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Medicine, Preclinical Department I – Anatomy
      MORPHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE RENAL PELVIS (Abstract): Our results were obtained from a study of 202 of our own cases, looking at renal pelvis morphology (status and morphometry) as a function of sex and right/left comparison. To the situation of the renal pelvis in relation to the renal hilum we described three aspects: in 56.12% of cases the renal pelvis had one portion located intrarenal (intrasinusian), the other portion was located extrarenal, on the right side in 48.94% and on the left side in 62.75% of cases; in 31.63% of cases there were intrarenal pelvises, on the right side 28.30% and on the left side 25.49%; in 12.24% of cases there were extrarenal pelvises, on the right side 12.5% and on the left side 11.76%. In relation to the vertebral column, in the male sex, we found that the right pelvises were located between the middle of the L1 costiform process and the upper edge of the L3 vertebral body, while on the left side the pelvises were located between the lower edge of the L1 costiform process and the upper edge of the L3 costiform process. In females, on the right side the renal pelvises were located in a range between the upper edge of the L2 vertebral body and the lower edge of the L3 costiform process. On the left side, the pelvises were located between the lower edge of the L1 costal process and the upper edge of the L3 vertebral body. In terms of pelvic morphometry, in males the length was between 13.-24.30 mm and in females the length was between 11.40-20.40 mm. The width in males was 13.0-20.40 mm and in females 4.40-17.10 mm. The distance between the two pelvises, right and left, was found to be between 71.7 -115.0 mm.
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